Research Activities
- 24.07.25
- Prof. Kawauchi presented “Cancer Neuroscience” in Neuro2024 at Fukuoka
- 24.06.20
- プレスリリース「小児悪性脳腫瘍の進展に関わる鍵となる遺伝子を発見 -がん化にともなうゲノム構造変化の理解からの治療戦略づくり-」
- 24.05.29
- Prof. Kawauchi gave a seminar at the Tokyo Women’s Medical University Neurophysiology Seminar Series.
- 24.05.20
- Prof. Kawauchi presented our research and engaged in research discussion at the ‘Brain Tumor Expert Lecture 2024’ hosted by the Department of Neurosurgery, Kyoto University.
- 24.05.20
- Prof. Kawauchi presented our research and engaged in research discussion at the ‘Brain Tumor Expert Lecture 2024’ hosted by the Department of Neurosurgery, Kyoto University.
- 24.09.09
- 24.09.01
- Dr. Owen Shojiro Chapman joined us with a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan
- 24.06.08
- We held a “Neuroscience Festival for Students”.
- 24.05.18
- The 74th Brain Medical and Biological Research Meeting & the 3rd Joint Meeting of the Young KYOUEN of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry was held.
- 24.04.01
- The Laboratory of Neuro-oncology (Kawauchi Lab) has been newly established!